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Home Rock & Minerals Photos De-MA FIGMAS Phd (N. Ticino) MSc (Larecc)

My sample collection

Some rocks resulting from various field trips...
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Name: "Calcite"
From: Sultanat of Oman, coast N-E
Mineralogy: Calcite - Ca[CO3]

Name: "Sphalerite"
From: Lime and cement mines of Baulmes (Vaud, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: Sphalerite - (Fe,Zn)S

Name: "Vein of gypsum and anhydrite"
From: Lime and cement mines of Baulmes (Vaud, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: Gypsum (on the left) : CaSO4 . 2(H2O)
Anhydrite (on the right): CaSO4

Name: "Celestine (1)"
From: Lime and cement mines of Baulmes (Vaud, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: Celestine - SrSO4

Name: "Celestine (2)"
From: Lime and cement mines of Baulmes (Vaud, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: Celestine - SrSO4

Name: "Andalusite (aluminosilicate)"
From: Campo Tencia region (from my diploma work at Alpe Larecc)
Mineralogy: Andalusite - Al2SiO5

Name: "Kyanite (aluminosilicate)"
From: Campo Tencia region (from my diploma work at Alpe Larecc)
Mineralogy: Kyanite - Al2SiO5

Name: "Acicular quartz (1)"
From: Val Bedretto (Ticino, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: Quartz - SiO2

Name: "Acicular quartz (2)"
From: Val Bedretto (Ticino, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: Quartz - SiO2

Name: "Corundom (ruby variety)"
From: Brasil? (Minerals exchange, Lausanne)
Mineralogy: Corundum (ruby) - Al2O3

Name: "Yellow fluorite"
From: ??? (Minerals exchange, Lausanne)
Mineralogy: Fluorite - CaF2

Name: "Pyrite aggregat"
From: Artificial? (Minerals exchange, Lausanne)
Mineralogy: Pyrite - FeS2

2005-2025 © Julien ALLAZ || Last update: December 28th, 2023