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Home Rock & Minerals Photos De-MA FIGMAS Phd (N. Ticino) MSc (Larecc)

My sample collection

Some rocks resulting from various field trips...
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Name: "Phengite- and jadeite-bearing gneiss"
From: Quarry of Quincinetto (Piedmont, Italy)
Mineralogy: Quartz, jadeite, phengite, plagioclase?

Name: "Augen gneiss of Simano"
From: Campo Tencia region (from my diploma work at Alpe Larecc)
Mineralogy: Quartz, plagioclase, alkaline feldspar, white mica (muscovite) and biotite

Name: "Marble"
From: Goglio (Piedmont, Italy)
Mineralogy: Carbonate (Calcite +/- dolomite), chlorite, graphite and micas?

Name: "Garnet-bearing micaschist"
From: Frodalera, south of Lucomagno (from my thesis research, Ticino, Switzerland)
Mineralogy: White mica (margarite), biotite, garnet, quartz, plagioclase

Name: "Staurolite-bearing micaschist"
From: Campo Tencia region (from my diploma work at Alpe Larecc)
Mineralogy: White micas (muscovite), biotite, staurolite, garnet, quartz, plagioclase, +/- kyanite

Name: "Phengite- and garnet-bearing white schist"
From: Dora Maira massive (North Italy)
Mineralogy: White mica (phengite), garnet, talc, kyanite, quartz

Name: "Glaucophane, garnet- and epidote-bearing schist"
From: Groix Island (Britanny, France)
Mineralogy: glaucophane (violet-black), epidote (yellow-green) and garnet (red)

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