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Home Rock & Minerals Photos De-MA FIGMAS Phd (N. Ticino) MSc (Larecc)

My sample collection

Some rocks resulting from various field trips...
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Name: "Nodule-bearing basalte"
From: Pozzomaggiore (Sardinia, Italy)
Mineralogy: Grey matrix: Plagioclase, nodule: olivine, pyroxene, accessory minerals (phlogopite, spinels,...).

Name: "Peridotite (spinel-bearing lherzolite)"
From: "Grotta Tavu de Mari" between Semestene and Pozzomaggiore (Sardinia, Italy)
Mineralogy: Olivine (green-yellow, brown alteration), enstatite (black) and spinel (black, metallic glitter)

Name: "Ignimbrites and "fiamme""
From: Monte Torru (right one) and Alghero (the two on the left, Sardinia, Italy)
Mineralogy: Quartz, plagioclase, alkaline feldspar, glass (black, "fiamme")

Name: "Volcanic bomb (section)"
From: ??? (Sardinia, Italy)
Mineralogy: Mainly plagioclase

Name: "Serpentinised gabbro"
From: Italy
Mineralogy: Serpentines, talc, chlorite?, calcite and quartz vein

2005-2025 © Julien ALLAZ || Last update: December 28th, 2023