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Group... - select a group - Minerals (12) Fossils (4) Sedimentary rocks (-)*Metamorphic rocks (7) Plutonic rocks (4) Volcanic rocks (5) Veins (-) Other... (-)
Sample... - select a sample - Augen gneiss of Simano*Garnet-bearing micaschist Glaucophane, garnet- and epidote-bearing schist Marble Phengite- and garnet-bearing white schist Phengite- and jadeite-bearing gneiss Staurolite-bearing micaschist
From: Frodalera, south of Lucomagno (from my thesis research, Ticino, Switzerland) Mineral(s): White mica (margarite), biotite, garnet, quartz, plagioclaseAge: Miocene (Alpine, 20-10 Ma?)Description: Not yet available…
2005-2025 © Julien ALLAZ || Last update: December 28th, 2023