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Home Rock & Minerals Photos De-MA FIGMAS Phd (N. Ticino) MSc (Larecc)

Presentation of my work in North Central Alps

The geographical situation...

The following maps present the studied zones. From SW to NE the concerned regions are :

  • Alpe Devero (Italy)
  • Antabia, Piora and Bedretto valleys (Ticino, CH)
  • ...Lucomagno (Ticino/Graubünden)
  • ...and Nufenen (Wallis/Ticino) regions(

...And geological

These various studied zones are all situated in sedimentary layers deposited during Mesozoic (Triassic-Cretaceous, 245 to 65 Million years [=Ma]), in the alpine Tethys and Piemontais ocean who were situated between European and African continents. These rocks are especially choosed as they suffered only one metamorphism, the one related to Alps formation during Tertiary. This is one of the critical point of my thesis which is developped in the following pages.

Right figure : Tectonic map of alpe Devero, adapted from Steck et al. (2001). This alpage is situated between Goglio and summits of Cervandone and Albrunhorn.

Figure below : Tectonic map adapted from these of Probst (1980) with positionning of various studied zones.

Clic on maps for an enlargement!



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