Coloured figures from Allaz, Maeder,
Vannay & Steck 2005
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In figure captions: AbQ = Aluminosilicate-bearing
quartz vein, And = andalusite, Bt = biotite, Ilm = ilmenite, Ky = kyanite,
Ms = muscovite, Pl = plagioclase, Qtz = quartz, St = staurolite |
6 (a) AbQ vein in micaschist. The vein (D3) cut the main
schistosity S2 (536 ko) |
6 (b) [left-fig.]
AbQ vein in the boudin neck of an older Qtz vein, and showing
horizontal N-S extension. Aluminosilicates are in the center part (enlarged
in figure
on the right, with a 15 cm-long pen), accompanied by Pl, Qtz and micas.
Hammer is 60 cm long (600 and 613 ko). |
6 (c) AbQ vein with Ky porphyroblasts oriented parallel
to the penetrative schistosity and N-S oriented mineral lineation
in the host rock (39 ko) |
6 (d) AbQ vein with fan-shaped Ky and And. Note the border
zone of the vein formed by Bt and Pl (230 ko) |
6 (g) Large Ky rod (cm-sized), partially retrogressed into
And, enclosed in a Qtz and Pl aggregate (297 ko) |
6 (e) and Fig.
6 (f) Crossed-polarised microphotograph of And porphyroblasts
containing inclusions of randomly oriented and partially resorbed
Ky (left figure). This textural relation indicates And growth at the
expense of Ky by a polymorphic reaction. Ky inclusions are sometimes
which is never the case for And (395 and 190 ko) |