Panoramas of Alpe Larecc
(and surroundings...)
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max. 400 ko)

360° from Larecc meadow (LQ) || (HQ)

360° from Bochetta di Larecc (LQ) || (HQ)
Base camp near Piatello hut... Nice view, isn't it?
And this from sunrise to sunset! [Part
1 (LQ) || (HQ), Part
2 (LQ) || (HQ)]

Sunset and thunderstorm clouds over Cristallina / Basodino region

360° from Pezzoi crest (LQ) || (HQ)

Madas, view from source of river Larecc

Studied field, with from l. to r., Madas,
Corona di Redorta, val di Larecc followed by val di Pertüs / di Prato
and finally Sasso di Larecc (LQ) || (HQ)

View (cloudy) on Campo Tencia massive (central part, in clouds)
from surrounding of Sasso di Larecc (LQ) || (HQ)

River Larecc near meadow
one of the same name

View on val di Pertüs, along crest under Corona
di Redorta (Xavier on the left, LQ) || (HQ)